Create Your Own Quality Time
Play with your children. Let them choose the activity and don’t worry about rules. Just go with the flow and have fun. That’s the name of the game.
Read books together every day. Get started at the earliest. Children love listening to the sound of their parents’ voices. Cuddling up with the child and a book is a great bonding experience that will set him/her up for a lifetime of reading.
Schedule daily special time. Let the child choose an activity where you hang out together for 10 or 15 minutes with no interruptions. There’s no better way for you to show your love.
Encourage daddy time. The greatest untapped resource available for improving the lives of our children is time with Dad — early and often. Kids with engaged fathers do better in school, problem-solve more successfully, and generally cope better with whatever life throws at them.
Make warm memories. Children will probably not remember anything that you say to them, but they will recall the family rituals — like bedtimes and game night — that you do together.